How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey in 2024?

The average hair transplant cost in Turkey is £3,500. In certain circumstances, it may exceed £5,500. Check out the prices for various types of hair transplants given by Turkish clinics below:

Type Price
FUE Hair Transplant £ 3,500
DHI Hair Transplant £ 4,500
Beard Transplant £ 3,500
Eyebrow Hair Transplant £ 3,400

It should be noted that the prices shown are tentative. They are focused on a certain number of grafts. 4,000-4,500 grafts are often priced 30-40% more than the pricing stated above.

In Turkey, the average cost per graft is between £1,8 and £2,2. Most Turkish clinics, however, provide package rates that cover the cost of up to 4,500 grafts. That implies the cost of 2,000 or 4,000 grafts will be the same.

In Turkey, a 3000 grafts hair transplant cost ranges between £3,300 and £4,000. It should be noted that the hair transplant cost in Turkey is determined by the type of treatment chosen.

On the other hand, 5000 grafts hair transplant cost can come around between £4,300 and £5,500.

Average Cost of Hair Transplantation Per Country

The most advanced hair restoration clinics in Turkey provide the highest quality of treatment and have established extremely high standards for hair transplant treatments.

The cost of a hair transplant varies greatly between countries. For example, the cost of this surgery in the United States ranges between £4,000 and £15,000. 

Travelling to another nation with the lowest transplant fees for hair transplantation might save you up to $10,000-$12,000.

The best hair transplant in Turkey costs around £4,500 on average, £4,600 in Mexico, and around £6,600 in Thailand. 

Check out the chart below to compare typical hair transplant prices throughout the world.

Countries Average Price
Turkey £ 4,500
Mexico £ 4,600
Ukraine £ 4,200
Czech Republic £ 5,500
Poland £ 5,500
Thailand £ 6,600
Lithuania £ 6,600
South Korea £ 7,600
Germany £ 8,400
UK £ 15,000
USA £ 15,000

Factors Affecting Hair Transplant Cost In Turkey

Factors affecting hair transplant cost in Turkey

Turkish hair transplant clinics have relatively low procedure costs. However, prices may vary by 20-30% in different clinics throughout the country and even within the city due to the following reasons:

  • Doctors’ Expertise:

There are several doctors and hair transplant clinics in Turkey. The fees for these doctors vary greatly. The price list has the most sought-after and skilled surgeons on the top with the highest fees. 

Before making a decision, it is advisable to investigate the reviews and history of physicians or clinics.

  • Clinic’s Reputation:

Clinics with appropriate local and international certifications are always working to improve their services and upgrade their equipment. 

Because it necessitates additional investments, the rates are generally 10-20% more than the less reputed clinics.

  • Discounts:

In Turkey, hair restoration clinics regularly provide time-limited discounts. It is possible to receive a hair transplant at discounted rates at an authorized clinic conducted by a top surgeon closely monitoring them. 

  • Graft Number:

Although most clinics provide all-inclusive packages, some charge per graft. It is important to understand the maximum range of grafts to determine how much you will pay.

  • Technique:

Hair replacement techniques vary greatly. Some are sophisticated, and special materials are used at an additional expense. The cost may vary significantly depending on the technique and materials used.

  • Hotel Stay Cost:

Accommodation in a 5-star or 4-star hotel is available as part of all-inclusive packages. You can save money by staying in a 4-star hotel, or you may go for the added luxury of a 5-star hotel.

Why are Turkey’s Hair Transplant Packages More Popular?

  • Hair transplants in Turkey Are Inexpensive

When it comes to hair transplants, Turkey is the most economical country in the world. If you want to get a hair transplant in Turkey, you need a budget between £3,500 and £7,500, which covers your accommodation and transportation charges. 

In other countries, the FUE hair transplant surgery might cost between £8,000 and £30,000.

  • More Advanced Hair Transplant Techniques

Turkey is home to some of the best hair transplant centres. FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the most often used hair transplant treatment because of its short recovery time, lack of visible scars, and quick healing.

  • Most Affordable Hair Transplant Packages

Hair transplant clinics provide a choice of packages to medical tourists for their convenience. In Turkey, hair transplant packages range from £3,500 to £5,500, depending on the surgeon’s expertise and skill. 

The package includes free airport transfer to the hotel, free stay in reputable hotels, free touring in Turkey, and, depending on the package, free lunch and dinner.

BlueMagic Group Clinic Patient Timeline

At BlueMagic, we attentively schedule your days in Turkey. Taking into account your routine and schedule; here is a quick timeline for you to read:

1st Day – Your Arrival

When you arrive in Istanbul, Turkey, a private vehicle will take you to the BlueMagic clinic as scheduled for a set of blood tests and a medical interview. 

Once your tests and interview are over, the driver will drive you to the hotel. You have the entire day to unwind.

2nd Day – Hair Transplant

Before beginning the transplant surgery, our hair analyst will do a thorough examination of your hair. This will be performed by a competent team of specialists. Your therapy might take 6 to 8 hours to complete. 

After the treatment, you will be able to spend the rest of the day at the hotel recovering and relaxing.

3rd Day – A Day For Yourself

When you wake up in the morning, you will not be required to go to the clinic; instead, you will be free to take a tour of Turkey’s lovely city and enjoy everything it has to offer. There is so much to do in Istanbul, Turkey. 

From Turkish Delights to stunning views; there is magic at every turn. Don’t forget to pack for your departure the next day!

4th Day – Your Departure

Once again, the vehicle will pick you up from your hotel and bring you to the BlueMagic Group. Then, the doctors will guide you with a professional hair wash while showing and discussing the method of washing hair for the following two weeks after your transplant. 

You will be prescribed medicines that you must take for the following ten days. Later, the vehicle will take you back to the hotel room so you may rest and pack your items before departing for the airport.


There is no debate about it: hair transplants are not cheap. So, if you decide to invest in a hair transplant, do your research beforehand. You can obtain numerous consultations to get a sense of pricing and to pick the ideal surgeon for yourself. 

Just keep in mind that finding the best hair transplant clinic, even if it is a little pricey, can help you achieve the greatest possible outcomes for your hair transplant.

Is DHI Hair Transplant a Permanent Solution for Hair Loss?

Hair loss, a condition that affects a significant fraction of the global population, often leads to a decrease in self-confidence. Happily, innovative technologies and procedures have emerged, offering promising solutions for those suffering from hair loss. One such method is Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), a technique that has garnered considerable attention and interest. In this article, we delve deep into the DHI procedure, its cost, effectiveness, and whether it offers a permanent solution for hair loss.

Understanding Hair Loss and Baldness

Hair loss isn’t just a cosmetic concern. It can significantly affect an individual’s self-esteem and mental well-being. By the age of 50, over 85% of men undergo noticeable hair thinning. Moreover, over half of women will also experience significant hair loss during their lifetime. This prevalence has necessitated the development of sophisticated techniques to combat hair loss, with DHI being one of the most innovative ones.

Unveiling DHI: The Direct Hair Implantation Technique

DHI, short for Direct Hair Implantation, is a modified version of the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) hair implantation procedure. In the DHI technique, surgeons extract hair follicles from a dense area of your scalp (usually the back) and implant them into the balding regions. This procedure ensures the newly transplanted hair follicles grow into new hairs, blending naturally with your existing hair.

How DHI Hair Transplant Works: A Step-by-step Procedure

DHI follows a similar procedure to FUE. However, there are some notable differences, primarily in the implantation phase. Here’s a general outline of what you can expect during a DHI procedure:

  1. Preparation: The surgeon shaves your head and applies local anesthesia to numb it.
  2. Extraction: The surgeon then extracts hair follicles from the back of your head using a tool with a fine tip.
  3. Implantation: The hair follicles are loaded into a pen-shaped tool and implanted into the balding part of your scalp.
  4. Post-Procedure: The surgeon applies an antibiotic cream and a bandage to all sites.

The Ideal Candidate for DHI

DHI is effective for individuals experiencing androgenic alopecia, the most common type of hair loss. Other characteristics that make a good candidate for hair transplantation include:

  • Age: People who get hair implants should be over age 25, as hair loss before this age is unpredictable.
  • Hair Diameter: People with thicker hair usually achieve better results than those with thin hair.
  • Donor Hair Density: Patients with a hair density of fewer than 40 follicles per square centimetre at their donor site are considered poor candidates for hair transplants.
  • Hair Color: People with light hair or with a hair colour close to their skin tone often achieve the best results.
  • Realistic Expectations: People with realistic expectations are most likely to be satisfied with their results.

DHI vs. Other Permanent Hair Transplant Techniques

The primary advantage of DHI over traditional FUT and FUE procedures lies in its implantation process. With DHI, the surgeon uses a specialized pen-shaped tool – the Choi Implanter Pen – that allows them to create channels and implant hair simultaneously. This technique may minimize trauma to the scalp, resulting in faster recovery times, and potentially lead to more natural-looking outcomes.

However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of DHI is comparable to other FUE techniques. While being marketed as the most advanced and effective hair treatment option, there is currently no concrete research comparing DHI results to other hair treatment techniques.

Potential Risks and Complications

Although DHI is less invasive than FUE, it can still lead to potential complications, including:

  • Negative Reaction to Anesthesia: Anesthesia is generally safe, but it may cause negative reactions in some people.
  • Infection: There’s a possibility of developing an infection either at the donor site or at the area where hair follicles are implanted.
  • Shock Hair Loss: This is a temporary hair loss at the site of the hair transplant, which usually recovers fully in 3 to 4 months.
  • Undesired Appearance: If the follicles are implanted poorly, it can lead to an appearance you’re unsatisfied with.

Despite these risks, hair transplantation surgeries are relatively safe and rarely cause complications. To ensure the best results, it’s important to research and choose a skilled surgeon, such as those at the BlueMagic Group Clinic.

DHI Hair Transplant Costs

The cost of a DHI session ranges widely depending on the city, the clinic, and the total amount of hair to be implanted. For instance, DHI costs in London, Athens, Dubai, or Paris can range between $3,250 and $13,500. In Delhi, costs can vary based on the condition of hair loss, the number of hairs needed to cover the bald region, and the clinic’s reputation.

The Verdict: Is DHI Hair Transplant Permanent?

DHI Hair Transplant, like other hair transplant techniques, offers a permanent solution for hair loss. The transplanted hair follicles are genetically resistant to baldness, which means they continue to grow throughout your lifetime. However, it’s important to remember that hair transplants cannot prevent further hair loss or create new resistant follicles. Therefore, ongoing care, including taking prescribed medications like finasteride and minoxidil, is crucial to maintain the health of your existing hair. Here in this video, you can find real-life experiences and why patients have chosen this hair transplant technique specifically:


Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is an advanced hair transplant method that promises permanent hair restoration. The technique offers numerous advantages, including less invasive procedures, quicker recovery times, and natural-looking results. However, it’s crucial to choose a reputable clinic like the BlueMagic Group Clinic and an experienced surgeon to ensure successful outcomes and minimize potential complications.

Jidion Hair Transplant Adventure

Jidion, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, recently underwent a hair transplant. The event streamed live, and became a sensation, leaving fans and followers with many questions and comments. This article aims to delve into the details, providing an in-depth analysis of Jidion’s hair transplant, its implications, and the reactions it sparked.

Who is Jidion?

Jidion is an influential figure in the entertainment industry, known for his unique content and engaging persona. The attention he received following his hair transplant procedure has further solidified his standing, sparking widespread discussion and intrigue.

Hair Transplant: What It Entails

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves hair follicles from one part of the body to another. It’s commonly used to address baldness or thinning hair. The process is intricate, requiring the expertise of a trained medical professional.

Jidion’s Hair Transplant Journey

Jidion’s journey began when he noticed his hair thinning. After researching various options, he decided to undergo a hair transplant. The procedure was performed live, with thousands of fans tuning in to witness the event.

The Live Stream Event

The livestream event was a spectacle, with Jidion providing commentary throughout. It was a bold move that showcased his willingness to share personal experiences with his audience. As far as evidence provides, he is the first patient to stream live his hair transplant.

Reactions from Fans and Followers

Jidion’s hair transplant sparked a variety of reactions from fans and followers. Some expressed surprise, while others voiced support and admiration for his transparency.

Impact on Jidion’s Personal Brand

The hair transplant event has had a considerable impact on Jidion’s brand. It demonstrates his openness and willingness to share personal experiences, further endearing him to his audience.

Hair Transplants: Before and After

The difference in Jidion’s appearance post-transplant is noticeable. His fuller, healthier hair has boosted his confidence, influencing his content and interactions with fans.

jidion hair transplant live

The Science Behind Hair Transplants

Hair transplantation involves relocating hair follicles from an area with ample hair to an area experiencing hair loss. The procedure requires skill and precision, ensuring that the transplanted hair will grow naturally in its new location.

FAQs About Hair Transplants

Many people have questions about hair transplants, including their effectiveness, cost, and potential side effects. This section addresses common queries, providing accurate and comprehensive answers.

Should You Consider a Hair Transplant?

While Jidion’s experience has been positive, it’s essential to consider your unique circumstances when contemplating a hair transplant. Factors such as your overall health, the extent of hair loss, and your expectations play a crucial role in determining whether the procedure is right for you.


Jidion’s hair transplant journey has been a captivating saga, offering insight into a personal experience that many can relate to. It’s a testament to his authenticity as a public figure and his willingness to share his journey with the world.

The decision to get a hair transplant is a personal one, requiring careful consideration and consultation with a medical professional. If you’re considering this procedure, take the time to research and understand all it entails. And remember, everyone’s experience is unique; what worked for Jidion might not necessarily work for you.

How to Book a Hair Transplant in Turkey

Are you ready to embark on a journey to regain your confidence and transform your appearance? Look no further than the vibrant and culturally rich destination of Turkey for your hair transplant journey! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the exciting process of booking a hair transplant in Turkey, where world-class expertise meets affordability.

Understanding Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of your body (the donor site) to the balding or thinning areas (the recipient site). The most common method used in Turkey is Direct Hair Transplant (DHI) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), which offers natural-looking results with minimal scarring. You can learn all you need to know about the procedure here!

Is Hair Transplant Worth It?

Hair transplant procedures have a high success rate in Turkey. Subsequently, most patients report a significant improvement in their self-confidence following the procedure. The transplanted hair is your own, so it will continue to grow naturally for a lifetime. This is the reason that hair transplant patient from all over the world are flying to Istanbul, for their surgery. Here is the story of Adrian, who decided to restore his hairline:

Why Choose Turkey for Hair Transplants

Turkey has gained international recognition for its advanced hair transplant procedures. Moreover, the country’s highly skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art medical facilities, and affordable packages make it a go-to destination for thousands of patients every year.

  • High-Quality Services

Turkey boasts internationally acclaimed surgeons who have performed thousands of successful hair transplants. In addition, their extensive experience and technical expertise ensure that patients receive the best possible care.

  • Affordable Packages

Unlike other countries, where hair transplant procedures are charged per graft, Turkish clinics typically offer all-inclusive hair transplant packages. These packages often include surgery, post-operative care, accommodation, and even tourism activities, all at competitive prices.

  • Renowned Clinics

Among the numerous high-quality clinics in Turkey, the BlueMagic Group Clinic stands out for its exceptional services. The clinic is equipped with modern technology and follows strict international standards to ensure patient safety and satisfaction.

Planning Your Hair Transplant

Once you’ve decided to undergo a hair transplant in Turkey, there are several steps to follow.

Step 1: Submit Your Inquiry

To determine the best way to proceed, you need to provide the clinic with your contact details and photographs of your hair loss. These images will allow the medical consultant and the doctor to estimate the number of grafts needed for your procedure. After reviewing your photos and your medical conditions through the initial medical consultation, the clinic will provide you with a detailed personalised quote. You can submit your inquiry to BlueMagic Group Clinic, a leading hair transplant clinic in Turkey here!

Step 2: Book Your Trip

After confirming that you are suitable, you need to book your flight to Istanbul, Turkey. Make sure to contact the clinic before booking your flights to avoid any scheduling conflicts.

Step 3: Arrival and Procedure Days

Upon arrival in Istanbul, you will be picked up from the airport and taken to your hotel. The following day, you will be transported to the clinic for your final medical consultation and subsequent hair transplant procedure. Based on the number of sessions that were planned, the patient stay will be 4-5 days to successfully go through the hair transplant procedure.

Step 4: Aftercare and Departure

Furthermore, the clinic will provide detailed aftercare instructions and schedule a follow-up appointment before your departure. Adhering to these post-operative procedures is crucial for achieving the estimated results from the consultation. At BlueMagic Group Clinic, you’ll have a dedicated patient care coordinator available throughout your recovery for a full year after your surgery. You can reach out whenever you need assistance.

Procedure Overview

Hair transplant procedures typically involve three main stages: extraction, opening of channels, and implantation.


The extraction phase involves removing hair follicles from the donor area. This is usually the back of the head, where hair follicles are genetically resistant to balding.

Opening of Channels

Afterwards, the next step involves creating small incisions or channels in the recipient area. Always, the number and placement of these channels will determine the density and direction of the new hair growth.


The final step is the implantation of the extracted follicles into the prepared channels. Even more, this stage is critical as it directly impacts the final appearance of the transplant.

Post-Operative Care

Proper care after the procedure is essential for the success of your hair transplant. You will be provided with detailed instructions on how to wash and care for your scalp, as well as any medications you may need to take. At BlueMagic Group Clinic the aftercare sessions are scheduled for 9-12 months after the hair transplant surgery by the patient care coordinators to make sure that everything is going the right way.

Final Thoughts

As a result, choosing to undergo a hair transplant is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. However, with Turkey’s high-quality facilities, skilled surgeons, and affordable packages, you can rest assured that you’re making a wise investment in your appearance and self-confidence.