For your hair transplant surgery to provide the optimal results requires your complete adherence towards post operation precautions. After undergoing the delicate procedure, the patient needs to take rest at home and minimize all activities.
The sudden sets of rules, you will be following, will be crucial for the final result. Before delving on some of the post-operative advice, let’s take a moment to define what a hair transplant surgery is.
The delicate procedure of a hair transplant involves transferring hair to the bald portion of your head. Usually conducted with a dermatological surgeon, the hair from the back or the side-end will be shifted to the top of your head. In the course of the surgery, anesthesia will be provided to the patients and will typically take place within a medical office room.
Either due to genetic reason or improper hair care, achieving hair loss is not what everyone desires. It is why many prefer to seek such surgeries from any Hair Transplant clinic in Turkey.
Their desire for rejuvenating their hair growth might have led them to go under such delicate hair transplant surgeries. As such they expect the result to show as soon as possible.
For the hair to sprout among barren baldness of your head, you need to abide by some strict rules and regulations. For your surgery to provide you with the benefit of hair growth, here are some precautions you should undertake after the procedure.
You may seem to encounter some form of bloating or swelling on the forehead. Usually, swollenness appears on the second or fourth day after surgery. It’s best not to worry at such times for it’s a transient phase and won’t be posing any problems in the future.
The swelling might come down to those eyelids due to the act of gravity. While it will take two-three days to bids it farewell, you can avoid it by elevating your head to 45 degrees using a pillow.
You should not indulge in any activities on the first days of the week. With your body going through a phase of transformation, you are much vulnerable to several diseases and infections.
In case you don’t have an option of a one or two-week leave, try your best to stay off from dirt and bacteria. Also, you should avoid touching the donor area as well as the planted follicles as it increases the possibility of getting infected. For any pain, redness or swelling you are experiencing, you should report it to your doctor immediately.
Exercise is always good for your health but not on those first few days post-surgery. Stay off from lifting heavy weights and hard-hitting exercises for two-three weeks. It might retain the swelling while trigger blistering.
As such, you should not involve yourself in any form of physical activities and exercises and prefer to take some day off.
Gently wash your hair after the third day of the procedure. Avoid touching or shifting the planted roots while taking a shower. The same applies while combing your hair. The hot air of a hairdryer can cause much trouble onto the treated area.
Hence you should avoid using them in the first weeks of surgery.
Any Hair Transplant clinic in Istanbul will provide you with the necessary instructions and precautions. You should make sure to follow them up properly. It is best not to consume alcohol as it might cause bleeding. Stay off of any medication for at least three days after the surgery. For more information, you can book a free consultation with our hair experts today.
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